
Immortal Martial Arts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sparring Counter Attacks

Counter attack is a way to take control of the sparring match by taking advantage of the opponent's weakness when she attacks. A counter attack kick require precise reaction time and flexibility.

Evaluate your opponent's movement instantly and kick automatically in reaction. Counter attack demands quick judgement for good timing. For instance, use checks (feints) to induce your opponent to attack. When your opponent attempts the attack, counter attack right away. Pay close attention to your opponent's attack and counter attack technique and use this information to exploit your opponent's weakness.

The two common counter attack strategy are direct counterattack and indirect counterattack. In a direct counterattack strategy, both fighters counterkick at the same time while indirect counterattack, one fighter steps aside or blocks the kick of the opponent and then counters with a kick.

Direct Counter Attacks:

Kick as soon as they get within your race distance. Don't hesitate. Commit or you will be hit! Direct CounterAttack is good with motions because it hides your intentions. Back kick and back leg round kick are great hold ground techniques. Useful against aggresive fighters.

Against taller fighters, make sure to fight on their race distance not your race. Use long attacks like fast and skip kicks. Avoid direct back leg kicks instead use a step in round kick or inch in/lunging back kick.

Make sure to keep weight forward when you execute a slide back, switch out or slide out counter attacks.

After kicking, make sure to land forward in proper fighting stance. Don't land flat footed or land backwards because it delays your time to counter an attack.

After you attack or counter an attack, make sure to clinch or move sideways from the opponent. Clinch if opponent is in crowded distance (punching distance). Don't stay in crowded distance because they can punch you in that range. Don't just move back either because they can kick you as you are moving backwards.

Indirect Counter Attacks:

Slide back and slide out - useful if opponent is kicking with a back leg round kick in closed stances (kicking your backside).

Switch out - useful if opponent is kicking with front leg round kick in closed stance or kicking with back leg round kick in open stance.

On first round, be conservative until you find out they're tendencies. Use more indrect counter attacks instead of direct counter attacks.

If you can't tell what kick they plan to throw then use back kick / jump back kick or jam them by clinching.

To counter punches, you should move to the side (using switch out or slide out) or use back side step. Never move back or step back because it gives them room to kick you.

Timing - for any counter attack, make sure to react (slide, switch out, and hold ground) as soon as they get within your race distance. Don't wait for them start the kick before moving because it's going to be too late.

A good sparing stance allows you to instantly adjust your kicks when your opponents changes motion. Making adjustments with good timing is a key to success in sparring.

If you miss a chance to counter, just don't dwell on the mistake because there are a lot of other opportunities. Remember opportunities are ever changing.

1 comment:

  1. I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this..
    martial arts

