
Immortal Martial Arts

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to Dominate a Taller Opponent in Sparring

First, let's talk about what doesn't work...Going toe to toe with me.  Hopefully that's obvious.  You never want to trade kick  for kick with someone that has 4 to 6 inches on you.  There is a zone that everyone
has.  I call it your red zone- red symbolizing "warning".   Everyone's red zone is
different and it's size is determined by the reach of your kick. 

Taller people have a larger red zone that most.  This also means, if you're
shorter than me, you enter my red zone before I enter yours.  In other words,
while you're trying to get close enough to get a kick in, I am already scoring on you.
Next, you may want to try and overwhelm me with speed.  Not a bad idea, but not
the best either.  Whenever I would get into the ring with someone shorter than me,
I'm assuming their going to be lighting quick.  The first thing I do is create some
distance, then I hang out for a little bit.  I study how fast they can really move.  I
note how fast they can close the gap between us.  After I see how quick they really
are, I simply adjust my gap so I can begin scoring. 

The bottom line is this, speed is good, but when it comes to a taller opponent, they'll
simply compensate with distance.  Against a taller opponent, too much distance is
your enemy.  Your opponent has a stride that is mostly likely 1 ˝ times yours. 
After you make 2 steps forward, your opponent is already 3 steps away, then
WHAM... they'll let you have it with a roundhouse kick.

So, what is the best strategy?  If you want to dominate your taller opponent in
Taekwondo, you must use a method called B.T.C.  This stands for Bait, Trap,
Counter.  Pay attention, because this is the ultimate Taekwondo scoring method
against taller opponents, and I hate it!  Of course, only when it's used against me.
Here's how it works...

When your Taekwondo match begins against a taller opponent, you WAIT.  In fact,
you wait in a high defensive mode.  Be ready to whojin (slide back) and unleash a
spin hook kick or back kick if your opponent is overly aggressive.  Other wise, wait
a moment, then we begin the strategy of B.T.C.

Slowly, we're going to creep closer to our opponent- making sure not to over
commit too soon.  This technique is known as baiting.  We're basically making
ourselves susceptible to an attack with the main objective of counter attacking
before they ever have a chance to score. 

The best time for you to Counter is during the Trap.  The split second your opponent
misses you is known as the trap.  As a side note- this is why it's super important to
kick and bring that leg down to the floor immediately, so you don't get caught in the
trap.  The taller the opponent, the longer it takes for them to bring their leg down. 
This makes for an easier trap.  During this trap, that's when you unload your
counter attack.

If your strong suit is a back kick, then you'll bait in an open stance (belly's facing
the same direction), and try and draw out your opponents roundhouse kick.  If your
strong suit is a spin hook kick, bait in a closed stance, and try and draw out your
opponents fast kick (skipping front leg roundhouse kick).  If you are truly one of
those shorter, fast fighters, then you can lateral step and do any sort of counter
you want, just after the Bait. 

Okay, what happens when your opponent figures out what you're doing?  Well, you
bait even closer, at least to the point where you're still successful at getting the
counter attack.

When that has run it's course, you disguise the B.T.C. by move aggressively around
the ring.  Move aggressively, then quickly bait, thus making your opponent panic
and hopefully attack.


  1. Great tips for overpowering big opponents. I usually target the foot part since balance is one of the factor in the strength of big opponents.

  2. Great moves! I want to learn that too. :) Thanks and keep sharing.

  3. Hi John,
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  4. If you are truly one of those shorter, fast fighters, then Skoinlägg you can lateral step and do any sort of counter
    you want, just after the Bait.

  5. Smart and quick moves!
    When the opponent starts to panic, that's the opportunity to be more courageous to counter-attack.

    Martial Arts Brisbane

  6. Thanks for this tips, I will share it to my kids because right now they are currently enrolled at Taekwondo Carringbah…I like this company because they are not just training about martial arts but also they teach their students a good moral character.

  7. that's really cool i defeat my opponents who are taller than me but i also i get kicked sometimes..i don't know its god's grace or something but my surroundings made my body much stronger than anyone around me so kicks don't affect me that much but i don't want to get kicked & want to score its not like i am afraid but its just my instinct you gave nice tip i really will try it thank you very much...:)

  8. I like your post. This post really awesome and very helpful to me. Please keep posting good contents. Thank

  9. Thank you for posting these tips. I'm entering my first tournament this weekend as a SR. Green belt so I'm relatively new to sparing. I tend to be aggressive but am not quick enough with my counter I'm 5'7 which is not short but when ever I spar anyone above 5'9 their kicks get me before I can even get in there to score. We are not allowed kicks bellow the waist in my rank so it makes it a lot harder to set my leg back down to avoid a counter from them. My block are quick enough that if they aim I block down and they strike with a accidental leg kick but I want to earn my points by scoring instead of forcing them to strike. So any advice from anyone is greatly appreciated and I am so thankful for tips like these that are posted for all to see.

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